Thursday, July 8, 2010

Long or Short and Ice Blocking

LONG ( keep growing it out)?Or SHORT?

I am having a hard time deciding if I should cut my hair short again. I like my hair short because its easy to do and with this heat it will cool me down. I kind of don't want to cut it because I can put my hair up and it's a change from what I normally have. Braeden will not help me decide, so I need your help.. do you like it short or longer?

Ice Blocking!

I had not been ice blocking in forever until the other day when we went with Cameron, Cassidy, Brittnie and Dan. It was so much fun! Thanks for the idea Cass!

Cass, me and Brittnie had the ride of our lives!

This was supposed to be a race, but Braeden took off way early...

Our nice wet bums!


The Congers said...

Grow it out! Well you look good no matter what.

Danielle said...

Grow it out- I am liking the long.

Ummmmm I've never been Ice blocking before! I looks really fun!!!

The Dominos said...

uh oh, I like it short, sorry to make your decision harder! Either way you look super cute.

Casseron said...

You should keep it growing then if you get sick of it you can just cut it off! Ice blocking really was fun! I wish we would have taken of photos of you and I doing our train!

J Fo said...

It's cute both ways! I think the short is super flattering for you though! Good luck!

Morgan said...

oh for fun! Glad you had such a good time.

Brooke said...

I REALLY like your hair long. Maybe it's just because I've NEVER seen you with it like that! Kind of a fun change and it's nice that you can pull it back. [That's the only reason I won't go short with two little boys.] Except for when you had a perm in elementary but even then you always had it up. Don't get me wrong, it looks cute short too. I would always get jealous when you came over with super cute short hair dos. Either way, you are perdy!

Brittany Flint said...

LONG LONG LONG that it what i want to do so 3 votes here for long

Angie Adam said...

i L.O.V.E. your hair short, thats my vote!!

The Congers said...

I just saw pictures on Brit's blog and you look so good and looks like you had a ton of fun! We are so jealous we want to see you guys! And thanks so much for the shirts, Ky loves them. I think we are moving to Utah in a couple weeks, well maybe, our lives are pretty much up in the air. I need to call you we haven't talked in a while. What are you guys up to?